
Application Access Instructions

   •   To access your TPSR Application enter the registration key that was sent to you via email in the log-in boxes below
   •   You can use the registration key to access this website for 90 days, or until you submit your Application
   •   Select the "Download a Copy" button prior to submitting your Application. This will give you a copy for your records

   •   The system may "timeout" if no action is taken for a certain period of time. Please save your work often.

   •   For questions, try or please contact the Motorola Sponsor listed in your invitation email
   •   If you have any system related issues accessing your Application, please email:
Please enter the Registration Key that was sent to you via email
Application link successful
System Guidelines:

  •   The application will provide alert messages so please turn off the pop-up blocker in your browser
  •   While using the application, do not use the browser BACK button
  •   The registration key is valid until you submit the TPSR application or 90 days, whichever occurs first
  •   The system may "timeout" if no action is taken for a certain period of time. Please save your work often.
  •   If you have problems uploading supporting documentation, please email the files to your Motorola Sponsor and they can attach the files to your TPSR record in EMTARIS
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